Apartment building architectural visualization Aschaffenburg

Multi-family house Architectural visualization Aschaffenburg modern living in Aschaffenburg-Damm, Haidstraße 45 A family-friendly, open and interestingly designed residential complex in Aschaffenburg with 11 apartments in modern architecture is being built on a plot of approx. 760m². The spacious courtyard with play facilities for children offers space and relaxation for residents of all ages. Another big plus of the property is the ideal…

Semidetached houses interior & exterior architectural visualization Aschaffenburg

Elegant living on the Kugelberg - Semi-detached houses Architectural visualization AschaffenburgClassically modern apartment building near Aschaffenburg. On one of the most beautiful plots of land on the Kugelberg in the community of Goldbach, four sophisticated and individually planned semi-detached houses are built in a very short time! The living concept is being developed according to the latest requirements of the energy saving ordinance and will be built in high quality. In addition to the exterior visualisations, the...